Competition Rules



Approximate race distance and planned number of aid stations as of June 28, 2024. These may change depending on race course conditions.

1. Race ranking is based on finish time.

2. There are cut-off times for the race. Racers who do not meet these cut-off times will be stopped and will not be able to continue the race. Please follow the instructions of the staff who will direct you off the race course.


Race start: Matsuzaki Town area - Sun. Dec 8, 6:00

Cut-off #1: Hozoin Temple- 8:15 (2 hours 15 minutes after start), 9.7km from the start line

Cut-off #2: A1 Kogane Bridge - 11:00 (5 hours after start, 26.0km from the start line

Cut-off #3: A2 Nishina Pass - 14:30 (8.5 hours after start, 40.2km from the start line

Cut-off #4: A3 Toi Parking Lot – 16:50 (10 hours 50 minutes after start), 51.2km from the start line

Cut-off #5: Darumayama Resthouse – 18:30 (12.5 hours after start), 58.0km from the start line

Cut-off #6: Hikageyama Exit – 19:50 (13 hours 50 minutes after start), 66.0km from the start line

The finish line is located at Izu Shuzenji, Izu City. You must meet all of the above cut-off times and make it cross the finish line by 20:00, Dec 8. The overall time limit is 14 hours.

<Around Alone 28k>

Race start: Nishina pass - Sun. Dec 8, 11:00

Cut-off #1: A3 Toi Parking Lot – 15:00, 11.0km from the start line

Cut-off #2: Darumayama Resthouse – 16:30, 17.8km from the start line

The finish line is located at Izu Shuzenji, Izu City. You must meet all of the above cut-off times and make it cross the finish line by 17:30, Dec 8.


3. Participants must complete the gear check and racer check-in scheduled on Saturday, Dec 7.

4. You cannot have someone else attend the gear check on your behalf. You must have your gear checked before racer check-in.

5. The race course may change depending on weather and trail conditions.



The race course passes through national parks and designated sensitive wildlife areas inhabited by rare animals and plants. The following rules are in place to minimize the impact on this environment and all racers are expected to thoroughly understand and abide by these rules.

1. The use of trekking poles is prohibited to minimize the impact on the trails.

2. You must stay on the trail at all times. There will be sections where racers will not be able to pass each other in order to protect the environment. Please abide by all other restrictions that may also be applied during the race.

3. Picking up or damaging plants, animals, fungi and rocks found along the race course as well as within the overall race area is prohibited.

4. Running off the trail / cutting corners is strictly prohibited due to potential damage to vegetation along the course.

5. Do not throw any garbage along the course.

6. Please use the toilets located at each aid station. Also, please carry and use a portable/disposable toilet and use it if you are unable to wait. Do not throw away toilet paper along the trails. All toilet paper must be carried out with you.

7. In order to reduce energy consumption and lower carbon dioxide emissions, we highly recommend you utilize public transportation or carpool.

8. The environmental protection of national parks and appropriate usage of these areas are outlined in the Natural Parks Act.

9. The race organizer reserves the right to set up walking-only sections, make course changes, or if necessary, cancel the race if poor trail conditions are such that the environmental impact on the trail is too great given the number of users (even if the trail may be physically safe for the racers).



1. If during the race, you encounter another runner who is injured or sick and unable to move on their own, please give priority to assisting that person.

2. Please treat the local support and volunteer staff with respect and appreciation at all times.

3. Please keep in mind that the race course is not on private property owned by the race and must be shared with the general public at all times. When you have to pass them, please do so in safe place where the trail is wide and remember to slow down and walk.

4. Do not damage any property located along the race course.

5. Please stay on the course at all times and do not go off the trails.

6. Please run along sidewalks except for paved roads with special permit for the race. When crossing roads, please follow instructions of the race staff.


A portion of the race course (from Nihonsugi Pass through Shuzenji Nature Park) passes through a national park designated as a special protection area. The areas around the hiking trails between Namesawa Pass and Mt. Goto are particularly sensitive, as it is densely populated by a unique species of old growth beech trees and local hydrangea that cannot be found elsewhere in Japan. These old growth beech forests along the coast of the Pacific Ocean are environmentally critical in supporting a variety of wildlife and plants in the Amagi Mountain area and must be protected. In order to do so, the section between Namesawa Pass and Mt. Goto has been designated as a no-passing zoneand you will be required to abide by the following rules:
1.The section between Namesawa Pass and Mt. Goto is designated as a
no-passing zonewhere racers are prohibited from passing each other. As an exception however, racers may pass each other only if the trail is wide enough and racers can pass each other without damaging the trails/vegetation.
2.There will be course marshals along the course to enforce these rules. These marshals have the authority to disqualify racers immediately if they do not follow the rules.
3.Other sections may also be designated as
walking sectionswhere racers will be required to walk (not run).



While there are no specific rules that prevent running within national parks, in general, these trails/paths were built for the purpose of walking and are maintained for the general public to enjoy. We appreciate that you understand this situation and give way to others who are walking along the trails.

1. Please give pedestrians (walkers, hikers, general public) the right of way.

2. When overtaking a pedestrian, please do so in a safe area. Slow down and walk (don’t run) and make sure that you call out to let the person know that you are approaching from behind.

3. When passing an oncoming pedestrian, please step aside and give him/her the right of way. Pass the pedestrian in a place that is safe.



There will be three of the aid stations set up along the course.

1. There will be food and drinks at each of these aid stations (except Around Alone 28k).

2. Toilets and a medical booth will be set up at each aid station and water station.

3. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, no one other than racers and staff members are allowed to enter the aid stations (cheering and support are prohibited in the aid stations).



1. The race course will be marked using marking tapes and signs. Race staff will also be positioned along the course. Dangerous areas up in the mountains will be marked by ropes and patrolled by staff in order to reduce risk. Please abide by instructions by staff. (Note: Permission has been obtained from the appropriate land owners and property managers to put up temporary signs and marking tapes).

2. Signs showing distance will be set up approximately every five kilometer.

3. There will be a "no-passing" section as well as other sections with specific rules/conditions. Please abide by these rules.

4. A staff member may instruct you to stop at traffic intersections. Please abide by their instructions.

5. The signs and markers will be set up just before the race and will be immediately removed after the race.



1. In order to ensure race safety, race headquarters will prepare and arrange for rescue and medical assistance during the race. However, each participant must recognize and understand that there are risks that may result in injuries and/or accidents associated with trail running. You are responsible for your own safety and will be participating in this race at your own risk.

2. Emergency and first aid tents staffed by a doctor and/or nurse will be located at all aid stations. These facilities will have telephone communication to race headquarters.

3. Emergency rescues/procedures will be available to racers as well all those involved in the race.

-Please note that, depending on the area, it may take a long period of time for help to reach you.

-If you receive emergency medical assistance from a rescue crew and/or doctor, please make sure that you get examined by a medical expert at a hospital after the race. Please contact the race office to let them know of your condition after the medical examination.

4. Doctors and rescue staff have the authority to stop a racer from continuing the race. This will be done by taking off the racer's IC chips as well as number card if necessary.

5. If you drop out of the race, you can take a race shuttle that will take you back to the finish line or be picked up by your outside support. You can also call a taxi at your own expense.

6. Depending on your condition, an emergency evacuation may be required. This evacuation will be at the expense of the person being rescued.

7. In the case of an emergency, if you are unable to reach the race headquarters, you can also call the public emergency number "119" to directly ask for help.

8. Each registered racer is covered for the following under the race's casualty insurance policy:

-Death & disability : 5,000,000 JPY max.

-Hospitalization : 3,000 JPY (per day)

-Hospital Treatment : 2,000 JPY (per day)

Important: This insurance does not cover hospital expenses outside of Japan.



All racers will be kept track of using IC chips as they go through the aid stations.

The IC chips will keep track of individual racer names and times.

The IC chips must be attached to the racer at all times.

The IC chips will be collected after the race. If you lose your IC chip, you will be charged 2,200 yen.

If you decide to drop out of the race, you must return your IC chip to race staff or place it in an IC chip return box located at the aid stations.



If you decide to drop out of the race, you must notify race staff. Please remove your race card/bib and give your IC chips to a race staff member so that race headquarters can be notified. Once you've dropped out of the race, you will not be able to re-start.

Remember to keep your race card with you as you will need it to retrieve your bags from the bag storage area.



1. Tell an aid station staff that you've decided to drop out of the race.

2. You must hand in your racer number card with the IC chip attached.

3. You will be able to return to the finish line area by a race shuttle that will stop by the aid stations.



1. Please tell staff if you decide to drop out of the race while out on the course.

2. If you are able to move on your own, please make your way to the closest aid station. If you cannot move on your own and need assistance, please follow race staff instructions.

Note: It will take time to get help out to you if you are out on the race course.

If you are not feeling well, it would be best to make your decision to drop out at an aid station.



The following is a list of mandatory equipment that must be carried with you at all times during the race. Once your mandatory equipment has been checked by race staff, you may not make any changes to your gear.

The temperature can vary widely on the day of the race. The wind can also be very strong on top of the mountains. Please check the weather beforehand and bring appropriate clothing to protect you from the cold.

1. Course map

2. Compass (electronic compasses are acceptable)

3. Mobile phone (you must be able to make/receive calls in Japan with this mobile phone). Please input the race's emergency number. Make sure your phone is fully charged before the race.

4. Personal cup for hot/cold drinks at aid stations (minimum 150cc size). No glass bottles allowed.

5. Water (you must have a minimum of 1L at the start line)

6. 2 lights (make sure they work) with replacement batteries for both lights.

7. Survival blanket

8. Whistle

9. Adhesive elastic tape/band (minimum length of 80cm x 3cm)

10. Food

11. Portable/disposable toilet

12. Waterproof rain jacket with hood

The jacket must be waterproof and be made of a breathable membrane (a water resistance level of at least 10,000mm/cm3 is recommended). All seams must be seam-sealed and the jacket must be able to protect you from harsh weather conditions up in the mountains. Anything not waterproof or non-breathable will be disallowed.

13. Warm clothing - Top: a combination of 3 layers (base layer, mid-layer, and outer layer) that provide warmth. Cotton is not acceptable. Down or fleece is strongly recommended. Rain jackets are acceptable as a outer layer. Bottom: running pants, leggings, or tights that completely cover your legs down to the ankles or a combination of leggings, tights, and long socks are allowed.

14. Shoes - must cover the top of your feet (the tops of your feet must not be exposed)

15. Gloves/mittens (gloves with cut-off fingers not allowed)

16. First aid kit (such as band aids, disinfectant, etc)

17. Insurance (The insurance coverage provided by the race is limited (see "RESCUE & MEDICAL ASSISTANCE" 8) above). If coming from overseas, enrollment in an overseas travel/accident insurance policy is highly recommended as medical expenses in Japan can be very costly without it)

18. 2 racer bibs, IC chip

Racer bibs will be given to you after the gear check. The IC chip is attached to the race bib.

19. Photo identification

20. Small light to put on your backpack at night. (Reflectors/reflective tape that can’t be turned on as well as handheld flashlights that can’t be attached to your backpacks are not acceptable).



Bowls, dishes, chopsticks, and utensils to eat food at aid stations

 ※No bowls, dishes, chopsticks, or utensils will be provided at aid stations to eat local food such as the salty bonito udon and boar stew. This is one of our initiatives to reduce waste by eliminating the use of disposable bowls, dishes, chopsticks, and utensils. So you need to bring your own bowls and utensils if necessary to eat the local food.

Rain pants, hat, change of clothes, sunscreen, vaseline, cash, mobile phone charger + waterproof case + spare batteries, waterproof trail shoes, Bear bell  



The start and finish lines for the race are located in different places. You will be able to drop off any bags/luggage at the start area and the race will transport them to the finish line at Shuzenji Onsen finish area (Izu City) for you.


Baggage storage open on Dec 8 from 4:00-5:30 (Matsuzaki New Port start area)

Baggage return on Dec 8 from 12:00-20:30 (Shuzenji Onsen finish area)

<Around Alone 28k>

Baggage storage open on Dec 8 from 9:30-10:50 (Nishina pass start area)

Baggage return on Dec 8 from 12:00-20:30 (Shuzenji Onsen finish area)



A racer may be stopped from racing and disqualified for not obeying staff instructions as well as for the following actions:

1. Taking shortcuts and/or running off the trails.

2. Not carrying the mandatory equipment.

3. Throwing garbage onto the course (this applies to both the race and his/her supporters).

4. Receiving outside support at other than the stipulated aid stations.

5. Running with people who are not officially registered in the race as racers.

6. Cheating (e.g. using other means of transportation, using substitute runners, and other unlawful actions)

7. Not carrying your IC chips with you.

8. Not abiding by the instructions given by official race staff including doctors, nurses, and emergency staff.

9. Continuing to run after the cutoff times.

10. Not wearing your race bib during the race.

11. Using trekking poles or walking sticks.

12. Running barefoot, with sandals or shoes exposing bare feet.



<Race organizer responsibilities>

Non-deliberate damage to property by race participants (e.g. plants and animals, objects, trails, etc.)

Marking and location of signs identifying the race course

Staff safety management

Insurance coverage (Liability insurance and property & casualty insurance, cancellation insurance).

<Racer responsibilities>

Race participants are responsible for everything else except the above.



The race organization reserves the right to cancel or cut-short the race for the following reasons:

Weather warnings sent by the meteorological agency

The inability to ensure runner safety due to risks such as landslides and rockfalls along the course.

Natural disasters (as per warnings from the "Tokai Earthquake Warning Information" and “Tokai Earthquake Prediction Information” Centers).

Large earthquakes or heavy rains and winds in the race area (as per weather warnings). If there is a landslide warning issued, the race organizer will decide whether to change or shorten the course or cancel the race.

Poor trail conditions making the environmental impact on the trail is too great given the number of users (even if the trail is physically safe for the racers). In such a case, the race organizer reserves the right to set up walking-only sections, make course changes, or if necessary, cancel the race.

In the event of an earthquake, hurricane/typhoon, flood, snowstorm, incidents, accidents and/or epidemics, the race organization reserves the right to make judgments and decisions regarding the shortening/cancelling of the race.

The decision as to whether or not the race will be cancelled will be made on the day before the race or on the day of the race. This will be communicated via the official race website as well as the race’s official Facebook page. We appreciate your cooperation in not calling by telephone. If the race needs to be cancelled once the race has started, this will be announced at each of the aid stations.

There are no refunds in the event of cancellation of the race.



The Izu Trail Journey is expected to be qualifying race for the Ultra-Trail Mont Blanc (UTMB). The race is also registered with the International Trail Running Association (ITRA)



This race is a member of the Asia Trail Master series. Race results will be shared with this series.



The race owns all photographs, video footage, race results and articles taken/obtained during the race and reserves the right to use this information/media in newspapers, magazines, television, internet, etc.